Retirement Strategy: How Much Should I Save?

“Will I outlive my retirement money?” This is one of the top fears for people who are starting to prepare for their retirement years. Determining how much money you need in retirement is a process. It shouldn’t be a number that you pull out of thin air. The process should include looking at your current…

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Why Everyone Needs an Inheritance Strategy

Of all the financial strategies that many people have in place, an inheritance strategy is usually not one. Discussing estate planning amongst family members can be uncomfortable even with the best relationships, let alone discussing the contents of an estate strategy and what you may be inheriting after your loved one is gone. But having…

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Managing Bond Risks When Interest Rates Rise

After dropping the benchmark federal funds rate to a rock-bottom range of 0%–0.25% early in the pandemic, the Federal Open Market Committee has begun raising the rate toward more typical historical levels in response to high inflation. At its March 2022 meeting, the Committee raised the funds rate to 0.25%–0.50% and projected the equivalent of…

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5 Empowering Investment Strategies for Women

On International Women’s Day this year, we had the honor of speaking to a group of professional women about financial planning strategies they can implement today. We wanted to share with everyone an overview of what we covered as so many could benefit from taking these simple strategies. Think about your life as it is…

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How Your Money Mentality Changes in Retirement

Reaching retirement can feel like crossing the finish line at the end of a 30-, 40- or even 50-year-long marathon. What does retirement look like for you? Everyone reading this right now, probably just had a different answer to that question. Because everyone’s vision for retirement is different. Some people look forward to the endless vacation…

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2019 IRA Contribution Deadline Has Been Extended

Due to the coronavirus tax filing extension, there’s still time to make a regular IRA contribution for 2019. You have until your tax return due date (not including extensions) to contribute up to $6,000 for 2019 ($7,000 if you were age 50 or older on December 31, 2019). For most taxpayers, the contribution deadline for…

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2019 Q4 Market Commentary

One year ago, the market was convinced that our economy was headed for a recession and we began 2019 on the heels of one of the worst quarterly market returns in more than a decade.  This could not have been further from the truth.  Once the market figured out that a recession was not happening,…

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What is an Asset Allocation?

Asset allocation is a common strategy that you can use to construct an investment portfolio. Asset allocation isn’t about picking individual securities. Instead, you focus on broad categories of investments, mixing them together in the right proportion to match your financial goals, the amount of time you have to invest, and your tolerance for risk.…

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Financial Tips for Unmarried Couples

If you are in a long-term, committed relationship, you have many of the same financial concerns as married couples. However, you lack many of the legal protections and advantages that married couples enjoy. Here are some tips that can help you and your partner stay on the road to financial security. Talk about your finances…

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